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In the list below you will find relevant forms for our community.

Water Drops

Exterior Waiver Form
Owner Application for Exterior
Architectural / Landscaping Change

All homeowners are required to fill this form for any item they wish to add or modify on the exterior of the home.  This includes, but is not limited to all items attached to the home, screened porches, hose reel, flags attached to the home, flower bed edging, shrub or ornamental tree additions to beds, etc. A separate form is required for each item.


Please complete the form below and place it in the 3CW HOA drop box in the community center or email to for review.  The form will be returned to you marked approve or denied. If approved, please review any notes carefully.



Complaint Form to Report Potential HOA Violation

Please complete the form below and place it in the 3CW HOA drop box in the community center or email to for review.


Owner Application for Exterior Townhouse / Landscaping Repair

Please complete the form below and place it in the 3CW HOA drop box in the community center or email to for review.  The form will be returned to you marked approve or denied. If approved, please review any notes carefully.

For 3 Cherry Way HOA Management Company questions call Laura Marx 704-875-7299 ext 319 or email her at

For 3 Cherry Way BOD questions call 704-745-6119 and leave a message or email them at and someone from the BOD will contact you.

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